Kirk Session

The Church at Scrabo Presbyterian is organised in such a way to help ensure that things run as smooth as possible, and that as many people as possible can get involved in leading and participating in various aspects of church family life.

The Kirk Session is made up of the Teaching Elder, Rev Ditty and Ruling Elders. They are the group that carry the main responsibility for the life and work of the church family.

An Elder is elected to the position by the Congregation and remains an Elder for life. 

Some of the main responsibilities of the Kirk Session include:

  • The oversight and government of the congregation.
  • Encouraging and building up God’s people in spiritual maturity and holiness.
  • Ensuring the Word of God is taught in accordance with the Scriptures.
  • Overseeing the various teams and Committees that are formed from time to time to carry out God’s will for that Congregation.

The Leader of the Kirk Session is known as the ‘Clerk of Session’ and in Scrabo this position is currently held by Mr John Doherty.

The Elders of Scrabo Presbyterian Church are:

Rev Aaron Ditty (Teaching Elder)

Mr John Doherty (Clerk of Session)

Mr David McCracken (Deputy Clerk of Session)

Mrs Margaret Cameron

Mrs Christine Donnelly

Mr Alex Duncan (Treasurer)

Mr Rodney Baxter

Mr Robert Jackson